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What is ABA?

Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) is a specialized technology of instruction and behaviour-change procedure. It involves applying behavioural principles for instructional and behaviour management purposes and evaluating whether your interventions resulted in desired outcomes. ABA utilizes scientific principles of behaviour to build socially useful repertoires and reduces problematic behaviours (Cooper, Heron, & Heward, 1989). Behavioural treatment focuses on the improvement of objectively defined and observable behaviours, which are taught in small systematic steps.

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Our Approach Makes Us Unique

Successful life skills help to build confidence and increases independence and self-awareness. It allows for an individual to manage their behaviours and emotions.

A little girl sitting at the table in front of a book.

Applied Behavioural Analysis

Individuals with autism process information in a concrete and literal way. They are often visual learners and rely on rules and routines to help them deal with unpredictability in their world. Learning, therefore, occurs best when information is presented in an organized and predictable manner and taught using repetition paired with concrete visual materials. This learning style is sharply different from that of typically developing peers and is key in understanding why individuals with autism have difficulty in understanding and learning in our fluid, fast-paced and multi-sensory world. Individuals with autism have limited consideration of environmental cues, engage in selective attention, have difficulty remaining attentive, present with obvious motivational differences, engage in problematic behavioural excesses and deficits, display varied responses to reinforcement and consequences, and have difficulty transferring information to novel settings, to novel people and across the course of their day.

A woman and boy are playing with letters.

Evidence-Based Learning

Research in child development supports the fact that peer relations are a core function in children’s development. The research in autism further assessed that in autism, it is the reciprocity of social exchange, which creates such pervasive deficits. This deficit is seen as a lack of both social responses and initiations with other people. The research in autism continues to suggest that it is from these primary social impairments that secondary impairments in communication and self-stimulatory behaviours are likely developed. The research further supports that deficits in social initiations are a good predictor for successful intervention outcomes. It is this concept in mind that makes our programs and services unique.

A room with toys and a rug in it

School Readiness Program

Our School Readiness Program is designed to equip children with autism with the skills they need to thrive in a school environment. Tailored to meet the unique needs of each child, our program focuses on developing essential academic, social, and communication skills through evidence-based practices. Experienced and compassionate therapists work closely with children in a supportive and structured setting, fostering a positive and engaging learning experience. By addressing key areas such as routine following, peer interaction, and classroom behavior, we aim to ensure a smooth and successful transition to school, laying a strong foundation for future academic success.

Want to know more about our approach?


Discover Our Treatment Programs

Focused ABA Treatment

Treatment intervention involves 10 to 25 hours per week of direct treatment plus direct and indirect supervision and caregiver training. Offered in both center and home-based services.

Comprehensive ABA Treatment

Treatment involves an intensity level of 30 to 40 hours of 1:1 direct treatment to the client per week and does not include caregiver training, supervision, and other needed services. Comprehensive treatment hours of 30 to 40 hours per week is based on research findings regarding the intensity required to produce good outcomes. Offered in both center and home-based services.

School Readiness Program

Our School Readiness Program is designed to equip children with the essential skills needed for a smooth transition into the school environment. Through individualized and evidence-based approaches, we focus on developing key areas such as communication, social interaction, and adaptive behaviours. Our experienced team works closely with each child to build confidence and independence, ensuring they are prepared to thrive academically and socially. The program also includes parent training and support to foster a collaborative approach, ensuring that the skills learned are reinforced at home. Join us in providing a strong foundation for your child’s educational journey.

Communication and Language Training

Our center provides students with communication training to help encourage the development and strengthening of early language skills. Our team of therapists are trained in the use of the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) and augmented communication systems such as Proloquo and DynaVox. All families receive continued support using the ImPACT method in order to support both verbal and non-verbal students with their development of social communication skills.

Group Learning & Programs

Here at Moving Forward Autism Services and Tools, our enriched learning is offered via an open concept classroom environment, similar to traditional classroom environments. Our behavioural programs focus heavily on quality responding and performance discrepancies. They are designed to incorporate one to one therapy with natural environment teaching. Together these build on acquiring good learner repertoires, whereby good learners can respond readily to various social situations. To further support good learner repertoires, our students have the daily opportunity to interact with peers, join in group learning and generalize their learned skills. In addition, students participate in group activities featuring daily living skills and art and group programs featuring cooking, adaptive Yoga and camps.

Parent Coaching & Behavioural Consultations

At MFAST, one of our main focuses is parent education. We understand that active family participation is a core element in any behavioural change program. Empowering parents with the knowledge and skills through training can yield substantial behaviour and developmental changes, thereby having a positive impact on the family as a whole. Parents can access our coaching sessions from the comfort of their homes, fitting seamlessly into their busy schedules. Our flexible online format allows them to learn at their own pace while receiving guidance from a seasoned professional. Our team of trained therapists provide families with parent education using the Triple P and Impact approach. Triple P- Positive Parenting Program, is an evidence-based approach with over 35 years of research. Project ImPACT-Improving Parents as Communication Teachers, is an evidence-based, parent-training program designed to help individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities improve their social communication skills. We also offer remote behaviour consultations with a Behaviour Consultant to help you family navigate complex needs. Click to register

School Consultations

Over the years, we have developed a deep understanding of the complexities surrounding behavioural challenges in educational settings. Our passion lies in helping children overcome obstacles and providing schools with the necessary tools to create a positive and supportive learning environment. We offer my our services to your institution through a range of online or live behavioural support services tailored to meet the unique needs of your students.

Individualized Behavior Modification: We specialize in developing personalized behaviour modification plans that target specific challenges faced by students. These plans are designed to foster positive behavioral changes and enhance the overall learning experience.

Collaborative Planning: We believe in working closely with school staff, teachers, and parents to create a cohesive support system for each child. By fostering open communication and collaboration, we can implement strategies that address behavioural concerns consistently across different environments.

Online and Live Support: Whether your school prefers online consultations or in-person sessions, I am flexible in providing support in a format that best suits your needs. This ensures accessibility and convenience for all stakeholders involved.

Proactive Strategies: Our approach involves proactive strategies to prevent challenging behaviours before they escalate. By identifying triggers and implementing preventive measures, we can create a more positive and conducive learning environment.

Data-Driven Decision Making: We emphasize the importance of data collection and analysis to inform decision-making. Regular assessments and progress monitoring allow us to adjust strategies as needed, ensuring continuous improvement.

Visual Supports -ABA Technologies Workshop

Environmental supports help organize physical space in ways that enhance the learners ability to predict events and activities, anticipate change in their routines, and allow for coping strategies in our dynamic world. These coping strategies or behavioural technologies, in turn, allow students to respond independently to daily activities and promotes language development. We offer a workshop that allows for parents to understand and create these individualized visual supports specific to their parent education goals.

Coordinated Service Planning

In addition to our individualized student services, we pride ourselves on further supporting our families by providing coordinated service planning. Our aim is to provide information, support and guidance to ensure that the community services involved with your child are working as a team, towards your family’s goal and that at all times you are informed and part of this advocacy process. Our community partners include schools, childcares, other treatment centers, the Ontario Autism Program (OAP),, Special Services at Home (SSAH) Assistance for Children with Severe Disabilities (ACSD) and The Henson Trust.

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